
"Dear heavenly Father, please remind me to pull weeds often, discarding worry and deceitful thoughts so I may grow and bear fruit in You."
"As we seek to know more about God and the wonderful world He made, we’ll discover how He continues perfectly managing time and all He created. God can be trusted with every unknown and newly discovered thing in our lives too. All creation remains secure in God’s loving hands." "How does knowing God is in control of time and all creation help you trust Him when facing the unknown? How can you honor God with the time He’s entrusted to you today?" "Unchanging Creator, thank You for securing every second of my life in Your trustworthy hands." Our Daily Bread - Sunday, Feb 18th, 2024
Dear Jesus, please help me believe You love me so I can love others through the overflow of Your love for me.

이 노래가 나의 지금 좋아하는 것을이다 🎵🩷

"축가" - 그냥 feat. 원필 (DAY6) 가끔 너의 곁에서 널 바라보면 사랑을 조금 알 것만 같아 나의 하루엔 늘 네가 있고 나의 모든게 널 닮아가는게 너와 함께 나눈 모든 순간이 선물처럼 다가온거야 그저 네 곁에서 널 품에 안고 이 행복을 간직하고 싶어 눈부시게 아름다운 너와 변함없는 우리 모습들을 저기 저 별들도 기억할거야 누구보다 너를 사랑해 행복했던 수많은 밤들이 문득 그리워지는 날엔 따뜼한 기억만 꺼내보자 지금 오늘의 우리처럼 항상 곁에서 널 바라보며 사랑한다고 말해줄거야 시간이 흐르고 모든게 변해도 꼭 잡은 너의 손 놓지 않을게 우리 함께 나눈 모든 순간이 선물처럼 다가온거야 항상 네 곁에서 널 품에 안고 이 행복을 간직하고 싶어 눈부시게 아름다운 너와 변함없는 우리 모습들을 저기 저 별들도 기억할거야 누구보다 너를 사랑해 행복했던 수많은 밤들이 문득 그리워지는 날엔 따뜻한 기억만 꺼내보자 지금 오늘의 우리처럼 함께 걷는 수많은 날들이 항상 행복할 수 있게 따뜻한 기억만 채워가자 지금 오늘의 우리처럼


“Ma, aku mau nikah.” “Oh yaudah. Ada pasangannya?” “Belum sih.” “Yee gimana.” “Abis temen-temenku udah, aku belum.” “Apanya?” “Nikahnyaaaa. Temen-temenku udah pada nikah, bahkan ada yang udah punya anak, tapi hidupku masih gini-gini aja.” “Ya terus?” “Ya makanya aku mau nikah jugaaa.” Wanita berusia kepala lima itu menghela nafas sejenak sebelum merespon putri bungsunya. “Terus kalau udah nikah, hidup kamu jadi bebas masalah?” Lala terdiam. Dia tak pernah memikirkan keterkaitan antara menikah dan masalah dalam kehidupan. “Ya tapi kan aku seenggaknya jadi gak kalah sama temen-temenku.” “Kamu lagi lomba balap karung?” Mereka terkikik geli. “Kok jadi lomba balap karung sih, Ma.” “Soalnya perkara nikah itu gak kayak lomba, La. Gak ada satu garis finish yang sama buat semua orang. Gak ada yang menang atau kalah. Inget gak momen wisuda kamu waktu itu?” “Inget.” “Berjuang banget kan pengen lulus? Begadang, bolak-balik bimbingan, ngelarin skripsi demi bisa dapet gelar, terus wisuda. Hari-H kit
"Faithful God, thank You for loving me first, even when my heart was too wounded and hurting to trust You. Thank You for the many ways You reach me wherever I am." "In what ways have you experienced God's grace "drop by drop" in your life? How has God's love helped you overcome fear in exchange for hope and trust?"


Komitmenku pada diri sendiri untuk tahun ini: "Saya berjanji saya akan membahagiakan diri saya sendiri, dengan cara saya, untuk versi 'bahagia' menurut saya." Wow, apakah tidak terlalu selfish ? Ngga, ah. Wkwkwk. Kebahagiaan diri sendiri itu kan tanggung jawab pribadi. Kebahagiaan diri yang datang dari orang lain itu bonus. Daripada berharap orang lain yang akan membahagiakan kita, mending kitanya sendiri yang take in-charge 100% gak sih untuk membahagiakan diri? I will make myself enjoy her life, happy with herself, embracing joy from Above. I don't want to wait for anyone to make me joy and happy. I will work on it on myself. Sampai jika nanti ada titik di mana ada seseorang yang berniat dan punya motivasi membahagiakan hidup gue untuk selama-lamanya, setidaknya gue tidak menyia-nyiakan waktu menunggu yang telah berlalu. Dan standar 'membahagiakan diri' pun tidak akan gue kurangi eventhough gue akan hidup bersama seseorang selamanya. Tapi jikapun benar-
Thank You for loving me so fully and personally, Jesus! Help me to love You with my life today.
"Dear GOD, when I'm uncertain, help me to stand at the crossroads and look for Your provision."
"We don't have to be overwhelmed by our troubles, but we can face them with His hope and peace. Heavenly Father, give me the courage to trust in You. Help me to believe that You're all that You promise to be."